Abstracts can be submitted from January 15 until April 1, 2025.

Please submit your contribution preferably using the LaTex template, which can be downloaded here.
The text of the abstract, strictly according to the template, should not exceed a single page. The Word format is also accepted. The entire package for abstract submission is available here
The abstract should be submitted by sending an email to ICOLS2025@unicampania.it, typing in the subject of such email the following text:
“Abstract SURNAME” 
Please write the SURNAME of the presenting author and use the same character string for the file name. Corresponding authors will be notified about the acceptance of the contribution as a Poster Presentation or as a Hot Topic talk within 15th of April 2025.
Similarly, invited speakers, when sending their own abstract, should follow the same procedure and write in the email subject: “Abstract SURNAME invited talk”.